Request for Stories
Dear friends and family of Ken Marion,
So many great memories and stories exist of Ken. Janese and her family would love to start a collection of these stories to keep. We need your help to do this.
At the celebration of life on June 1st, there will be two laptops as well as several cell phones that will have programs set up to audio record these stories. Please make sure you record a story or two on one of these devices.
For folks with recording capabilities, you can record your stories ahead of time and upload them to the collection link. Doing this ahead of time will leave recording time for folks who can't do it from their home. The short directions for this are to record in mp3 format, save it with your name, keywords, and title, and upload it to the Google drive folder found at
I have very detailed directions for how to download and use a free program on your smartphone. Follow the link here to read step by step how to do this.
If you have any questions about this, please contact me at
Thank you!
Shanna Fatica